Friday, May 13, 2016

Beautycounter Mascara is Here! (My Review.)


It’s here! It’s finally here! I’ve been waiting for Beautycounter to come out with a mascara for over a year, and I got my excited little hands on it last week. Wanted to share my thoughts with you on the long-awaited Lengthening Mascara.

Well, I’ve only been wearing it for a week, but I really love it. It packs quite a punch!

Take a gander at my sad, mascara-less lashes. (Actually…my makeup-less face. Just proof at how much better your face can look with just your lashes done.)


Annnnd 2 coats of Beautycounter Mascara.


Isn’t it crazy how much more alive your face looks with just your lashes done? Amazing.

So, as you can see, the product delivers on the lengthening promise. #wowza But the mascara has a lot more going for it, as well. First, I love the skinny wand and brush – I feel like it grabs onto every single one of my lashes without clumping, which is a huge factor for me. One coat is perfect for daytime, and adding an extra just gives that extra oomph without looking too thick.

It’s only been a week, but I haven’t noticed any problems with smudging, and it easily washes off with the foaming face cleanser I use at night. However, when I put on multiple coats, I do notice the tiniest bit of flaking, but for the record, I’ve been scrutinizing its performance for this review. All in all, I really like it. However, will it replace my beloved Per-fekt Lash Perfection Gel? That’s a tough one…I feel like Perfekt gives a little more volume than the Beautycounter, but the Beautycounter mascara will definitely be my go-to for the daytime!

Have you tried the Beautycounter mascara yet? What are your thoughts? As always, feel free to leave me questions in the comments!

The post Beautycounter Mascara is Here! (My Review.) appeared first on whoorl.

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