Thursday, December 1, 2016

A Peek Into Our Cozy Home


photos by Nina and B photography

I can’t believe we’ve been in our current house for two years already, so I figured it was high time to give you a little peek into our cozy little home. (Especially since you witnessed the entire Newport Beach renovation a few years back! A very different vibe in this one, as you soon shall see.)

One of the biggest advantages of moving to Oklahoma from Newport Beach is the cost of housing. To say you can get a lot more for your money is a huge understatement. So, how did we end up in a home that is actually smaller in size than our Newport Beach house? Well, why don’t you sit back and I’ll tell you a little story.

When we moved to Oklahoma in August of 2014, we rented a condo for the interim while we searched for a house to purchase. Well, within one hour of the moving truck (carrying 12,000 pounds of our belongings) pulled up to the rental, we found out it had black mold and was deemed unlivable.

Hmmm. We had a situation, to say the least. The moving company (yeah, the same one that managed to damage just about ALL OF OUR BELONGINGS and whose owner is now in prison for tax evasion) gave us 24 hours to find a new place to unload our stuff. Long story short, our family of four ended up in a small, first-floor apartment nestled right next to a major highway AND underneath the apartment of a presumed stripper/night owl/not quite sure. (Fun times! The kids were so impressed with Oklahoma City and all it had to offer!)

We spent a couple of (very uncomfortable) months in that apartment, all while trying to find the perfect house, WHICH MOST OF YOU KNOW CAN BE QUITE A PROCESS WITH THE INTERIOR DESIGNER HUSBAND. As you’ve witnessed from past posts, we prefer to find a place with good bones that we can renovate ourselves, but we simply didn’t have time for that. We wanted out of that apartment so badly, which made the search even more difficult because we needed to find something essentially move-in ready that met our standards. (Which I swear isn’t that much! Simple! Clean lines! Just not a horrible renovation, please!)

All to say, we put an offer on our current home within 12 hours of it being listed. It was almost perfect. Located in a historic neighborhood, clinker brick, built in the 1920s, yet completely (and tastefully!) renovated a few years prior by the previous owner. And although not as large as we had hoped for a long-term home (1700 sq ft…remember, it’s Oklahoma where a plentitude of space actually exists), it charmed us to pieces.

Recently, Emily of Nina and B Photography shot our family for a local publication (if you are looking for a photographer, stop the search because SHE’S THE ONE), and did a wonderful job of capturing the character of our home. I thought I would share with you all, even though a few rooms weren’t photographed. (Namely, our master suite which comprises the entirety of the second floor, and is, arguably, the best spot in the house. Photos to come at a later date on that one.)

Hope you enjoy!
























The post A Peek Into Our Cozy Home appeared first on whoorl.

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