Friday, December 2, 2016

Odds and Ends


1. The Amazon Echo takes precedence this Friday. Do you have one? Do you love it? What about the Echo Dot? Do I need to ask for one for Christmas? I am so intrigued. (Also, what about the Instapot, people?)

2. The Kirby Jenner Instagram account makes me laugh so hard.

3. This lady needs to meditate. Or maybe medicate.

4. In case you missed it, I posted our home tour yesterday.

5. I really should do some sort of gift guide, but for my fellow green beauty lovers, a gift subscription to Beauty Heroes or Petit Vour is tops in my book. I’m always giddy the day they arrive in the mail.

6. Need soothing? These weirdly satisfying baking videos might do the trick.

7. Bowls of goodness. I want to eat these every night of my life.

8. A bright spot resulting from Trump’s election. How wonderful.

9. How to dress ethically for a holiday party. Really love some of these brands. (My personal favorite as of late is Amour Vert. Have purchased many items and they are all sublime.)

10. Dad jokes are the best.

11. I will be attending the Women’s March on Washington this January. Meet the activists leading the charge.

Happy Friday to you all! We’re all about Christmas this weekend – getting our tree and house decorated. Love this time of year.

image credit: the earth’s gems

The post Odds and Ends appeared first on whoorl.

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